Aquarians are dynamic individuals whose actions are measured, and in every situation they will first investigate and assess before passing to action, coming up with unusual or original solutions which allow them to achieve the best results with the minimum effort, the minimum expenditure of energy.
In this book, the author explains the planetary transits and describes the fundamental rules that must be applied to interpret them correctly. An in-depth inquiry into the symbolism of the aspects of transits of the slow planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which represent the psychological direction that the individual follows, and which induce the subject to modify their life or confront new situations.
He was born in Provence on December 14, 1503, at mid-day to a Jewish family. In that era, Jews were regarded with great suspicion, and the government was trying to force them to move to another State, or convert to Catholicism, as, indeed, Nostradamus' family did.
In Nostradamus's birth chart there is a very beautiful stellar trigon, formed by the Moon, in Scorpio ....
The title of this article must be clarified before I begin to explain the types of problems that I examined. The interpretative astrological explanations that we give to such phenomenon, studied both by psychology and by psychoanalysis, is a new way of looking at the subject that we offer not only as alternative therapy but also as an effort at clarification, given that psychoanalysis and psychology have not up to now, in our opinion, provided satisfactory explanations.
Dear Carla, Can you explain to me how the transits act? Slow planets transiting each other? For example, Uranus in opposition to Saturn? Why do expected events sometimes not happen? And how many degrees of tolerance, for example, are there in Uranus quadrature to the Moon: 2 or 3 degrees before and after? Heartfelt thanks. Francesca.
The transits of the slow planets between themselves are called generational transitsand their symbolism is perceived in a different way to the personal transits, that is, those of the slow planets on its luminaries or on fast planets. This is because the slow planets remain for a long time in a sign (Saturn, around two and a half years, Uranus around 7, Neptune around 13 and Pluto around 20), involving many people who were born, for example, in the years marked by Pluto in Scorpio, that is, a generation.So the ....
When someone loves, let’s say, coffee, but for various reasons is unable to enjoy the pleasure of that particular beverage, “delightful” in its specific characteristics, hour by hour the “need” grows for something “similar” with which to substitute it: a surrogate.
So it is in the life of a woman, when, for reasons that lead back to manifest or latent conflicts in a relationship, she is denied physical relations with her husband, she will, perhaps unconsciously, go in search of a substitute: that is, a surrogate. The analyses of the majority of charts show us that there can be many types of surrogate and in .....
In my birth chart, Uranus is "isolated" in the 2nd house. Does this mean that it does not exert or receive any effect from other planets or houses? Stefano
Yes, an isolated planet, alone, situated in a sign-house, which does not interact or react with anything, should always be considered a loose cannon that is triggered or extinguished depending on ..