Dear Carla, Can you explain to me how the transits act? Slow planets transiting each other? For example, Uranus in opposition to Saturn? Why do expected events sometimes not happen? And how many degrees of tolerance, for example, are there in Uranus quadrature to the Moon: 2 or 3 degrees before and after? Heartfelt thanks. Francesca.
The transits of the slow planets between themselves are called generational transitsand their symbolism is perceived in a different way to the personal transits, that is, those of the slow planets on its luminaries or on fast planets. This is because the slow planets remain for a long time in a sign (Saturn, around two and a half years, Uranus around 7, Neptune around 13 and Pluto around 20), involving many people who were born, for example, in the years marked by Pluto in Scorpio, that is, a generation.So the symbolism of the transit of Uranus in opposition to Saturn will be felt not only by the subject but also all those who were born with Saturn positioned in the degrees in which Uranus forms opposition, with the consequence that the sense of difficulty in making decisions, symbolised by the transit, will be felt by the subject in the fields represented by the houses in which the aspect takes place, but this uncertainty may be caused by decisions regarding changes, Uranus, that the authority, Saturn, imposes on all in that period.For example, to further clarify, if Uranus transits in the 12thhouse in opposition to Saturn in the 6thhouse, the subject can experience a period (a little more than 2 years) in which he can’t make decisions at work, due to the restrictive changes that the firm implements, changes that do not only involve the subject but all the employees.
I won’t digress to write about the other symbolism, which you can in any event find in my book “The symbolism of the transits”.
To the question "Why do expected events sometimes not happen?”,I reply that there are three fundamental reasons. The first because it is always necessary to take account of the radical aspects that the transiting planet brings with it; if they are negative, the expectations raised by the harmonious transit will be disappointed. The second is the transit of conjunction because, if the radical planet or luminary on which the transit passes has a negative aspect, the transiting planet will form the same basic dissonant aspects, thwarting expectations.The third reason is due to the fact that the subject, and sometimes also the astrologer, is in a hurry to confirm the effects of the transit, especially if positive, but Saturn requires around a year for the event to be completed, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto require at least two and, especially for the last 2 planets, the subject acquires the complete awareness of what the transit represented precisely when the aspect has finally ended.
For transits, the planetary orbital margin that I personally take into consideration varies, depending on the planet:for the slow planets, like Pluto or Neptune, I consider the margin to be ± 2°; for Uranus, ± 2.5°; for Saturn and Jupiter, ± 3° for aspects of conjunction, quincunx, trigon, quadrate or opposition; for the sextile and semiquadrate, the orbital margin is ±2° for all the planets while, for the semisextile the separation considered is ± 1.°
translated by Nick Skidmore