Some time ago, in a book on Astrology, I read that small animals are represented in the 6thhouse, while large animals are represented in the opposite 12thhouse. I would like to know what you think of that.Thank you. Carola
This concept comes from classical Astrology, which placed animals in these two houses, due to the dependence that is created between them and human beings: personally, I think that is a little reductive, since those who have pets treat them like their offspring and, in any case, as objects of love, engaged with them as if they were eternal children. I have observed that, when people decide to take home a dog or cat or any other animal, radical Mercury-children or Venus-affection are positively stimulated by transits of the slow planets, reflecting the happy event and the importance of the new arrival.If the animal then gets sick or dies, the same radix planets are harmed by the slow planets in transit, immediately displaying sorrow or grief.
As an example, I give the birth chart belonging to a lady, happily married with children, who owns six cats and two dogs. As can be seen, the 6thhouse and the 12thhouse are empty but, since they lie respectively in Gemini and Sagittarius, they may indicate many people or animals present in her daily life. But there can be these same signs in the same houses in the birth charts of those who own neither a dog nor a cat. In effect, for the lady in question, Venus in the 11thhouse represents the need to freely love more than one person and, this not being possible, translates this need into affection towards pets. We learn that the cats were strays, Pluto in the 8thhouse, poorly fed and sick, Pluto square Venus, and that, once they had been picked up and cared for, she savours the satisfaction of seeing them returned to their splendour, Venus in trigon to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunct in the 8thhouse. The symbolism of inheritance of the 8thhouse stimulated by Venus, specifically, refers to the fact that the two dogs had been inherited from a loved one.
translated by Nick Skidmore