This research is aimed at:
all those seeking verification of the connection between astrology and the “events” in all our lives;
those who are new to the subject but want to start to get to know it;
those who know more than we do, since this empirical science never ceases to enrich us and encourage us to compare notes.
Note: Marriage, in our fondest dreams, seems like a wonderful cake, prepared with love, made with the best ingredients, well-risen, with cream, icing, decorations and a cherry on top. But the reality is very different from the fantasy.
The Chart
The “marriage chart” is drawn up based on the day, hour and place the contract was signed. It is regarded as a proper birth chart of the conjugal union.
The Sun, therefore, represents the husband, the Moon the wife, while all the other planets come together to shape its characteristics.
If Mercury assists dialogue and the couple’s mental openness, Venus stands for affection. If Mars represents sex and aggression, which act as stimulation for the bride and groom, Jupiter personifies the couple’s well-being and enthusiasm. While Saturn denotes rationality, the trials and the duration of the relationship, Uranus symbolises solidity and organisation. Neptune expresses emotion and adaptability and, finally, Pluto represents the deep, hidden sexuality, in addition to the couple’s sense of complicity.
The houses, decisive in reading the chart, have the following additional symbolism:
the first represents the image that the couple project to the outside world;
the second the material assets acquired by the partners, their earnings and the beginning of their life as a couple;
the third stands for social contacts, movements and communication;
the fourth the nest;
the fifth fun, joy, vitality and their natural way of bringing up their children;
the sixth the daily round, routine;
the seventh contracts and relations with others;
the eighth loans, financial transactions, betrayal and the couple’s secrets;
the ninth travels, real or imagined, and freedom from traditions;
the tenth represents the attainment of the pre-established objectives;
the eleventh balance;
the twelfth and last, the existential crisis and old age.
Analysing the planets in various birth charts of marriages, we observed that Saturn, exalted in Libra, co-significant with the seventh house (which represents contracts, such as, indeed, marriage), takes on a fundamental importance: if the planet forms positive aspects with the luminaries, this is a guarantee the relationship will be long-lasting.
If we then find in the transits of the birth charts of the individuals further emphasis on these aspects, it will be confirmation that the marriage is founded on a solid basis.
In the event of negative aspects of Saturn with the luminaries, contrarily, the union can be expected to fall apart: similarly, in the transits of the individuals, the partner who presents such aspects will be the one who is abandoned.
It must be underlined that Saturn represents independence, and so any break-up occurs precisely because of one party’s unconscious search for autonomy, whatever excuses the individual might construct.
Another important planet is Uranus, who in his symbolism of diplomacy, organisation and dynamism, opens the marriage up to new acquaintances and friendships. Uranus, in aspect with Saturn, Lord of Capricorn (a sign that represents independence and personal autonomy), is often linked to the break-up of the marriage in the charts we have analysed. With a positive aspect, this break-up will be the result of a careful and well thought-out decision-making process but, if the contrary is the case, the decision will be suffered by, or imposed on them.
Neptune generates great capacity for adaptation which, however, can often be transformed into restlessness and anxiety, pushing the individual to seek out excitement and alternative options. For example, they may often change the furniture around in the home, devote themselves to music or painting, or even conduct an amorous, though platonic, relationship with another partner.
Pluto, even if positive at the moment of the marriage, will not be able to save it from the duration dictated by Saturn, but will create the complicity and intrigue necessary to obtain success in those sectors in which the planet is found. If negative, he can lead to extreme situations such as violence, even to the point of a threat to life (as, unfortunately, we see so often confirmed in the media).
1) Marriage chart
In the birth chart, which was chosen by us as an example due to the variety and complexity of the events involved, the long duration and the decisive, fiery break-up, the Sun is found in Scorpio, in the tenth house and forming sextile to the Ascendant.
This indicates that the husband is an individualist, and that, to retain his “autonomy,” he is ready to use any means, even paying for it with loneliness.
With the Sun in the tenth house, these features are accentuated since the co-significant, Capricorn, makes him inflexible, implacable and determined to reach his goals, which centre on him - at all costs – as the most important character (Sun sextile to the Ascendant).
The additional conjunction with Mercury on the one hand helps him to have a clearer, sharper mind in business, but on the other isolates him mentally. Mercury in Scorpio lies in conjunction to Mars and Pluto and therefore will lead the subject to have a preference for sons, raising them to become his “heirs,” including in the work sphere, in order to ensure perpetual continuity.
The Moon is found in the sign of Libra, outlining the figure of a wife who appears feminine and attractive, with good aesthetic taste but also susceptible to the judgement of others. The position in the ninth house also makes her anxious, almost to the point of yearning, to retain her own freedom, which makes her insist on her own space. The conjunction with Saturn instils in her the need to unite with an older man, mentally or in years: in our case, age was the important factor, since she was seeking protection and solidity. In our case, this also causes her to be quite harsh and strict about rules, especially around the home. The oppositions that Saturn and the Moon form with Jupiter, in Aries, in the third house, symbolise the difficulties she finds in handling money for day to day items, and liquidity in general, insofar as she must always beg money from her husband, thus becoming dependent on him. This causes problems in the relationship, which means she derives little joy from it and participates reluctantly.
The Venus-Mars conjunction in Virgo in the eighth house expresses the affection and sexuality of both partners, who are most stimulated by furtive and transgressive situations. All this is heightened by Pluto in Leo in the eighth house, offering vitality and energy in confronting strange situations. The planets in positive aspect in the eighth house also indicate major financial transactions, which develop in the course of the marriage, at the initiative of and carried out by the husband, Mars and Pluto, planets of Scorpio, where the Sun also lies.
Cancer, as is well known, represents the family, and Uranus, in this position, leads subjects to live in a non-traditional way, and moreover, being in the seventh house, he really exerts an influence on the couple’s relationship. What’s more, being the negative planet in the Saturn-Moon conjunction and also to Neptune, he ensures that for almost twenty years their “relationship” is experienced without any great intensity, and on an occasional basis. Indeed, the husband was often away due to his work and came back only at weekends, which paved the way for a relationship with another woman.
The wife long put up with this situation, Moon wounded, but finally succeeded in reacting by using the opportunities that the planets in the ninth house provided for her; she went on various trips, did charity work, became interested in astrology and ended up falling in love with an acquaintance, if only platonically. Only later in life did she manage to bring to fruition her great platonic love and obtain her independence, including financially, by separating from the husband after forty years of marriage (Moon in conjunction with Saturn).
It is interesting to observe how the transits also act on the individual and how they are mirrored in the chart.
Let’s take, for example, the transit at the birth of their son.
2) Transits of the birth of the son in the marriage chart.
Pluto transits in the eighth house, in Virgo, and forms a sextile to the Medium Coeli, underlining the importance of the event, precisely due to the continuity that the male heir succeeds in providing in the future, both by continuing his father’s work and carrying on the family name. The trigon to the Ascendant that it goes on to form gives lustre to the image that the marriage enjoys in this context. Neptune in conjunction with the Sun, in its passage in the tenth house, in Scorpio, confirms that the change to the family that the event brings is especially felt by the father. In this aspect, one can also read the remarkable quantity of money handled and the various transactions that the husband manages to complete.
The sextile with the Ascendant reiterates the change of image that the family now displays. Uranus in the seventh house, on the other hand, creates distance between the couple, experienced in a rather positive way, given that the planet forms almost all the aspects harmoniously. Indeed, only the quadrature with the Sun (even if it is not pronounced) symbolises the separation, in this case suffered by him. Indeed, Uranus, being in sextile to the Moon, instils in the woman greater organisational sense and strong decision-making power, encouraging her to renew herself and everything that surrounds her. It also forms sextile with Saturn, creating new choices and attitudes, which are appreciated by both. The trigon that Uranus makes with Jupiter again confirms the flourishing nature of this period, due to financial investments from which the family benefits. Saturn, transiting the twelfth house, in Sagittarius, leads however to a certain solitude and melancholy, which both experience individually. Jupiter, in the ninth house, stands for a journey in fantasy for her (platonic love), while for him, the travelling is geographical, since he often takes trips for work. The fact that this occurs in Libra lends the family a formal image. Mars, in the first house, displays the satisfaction over the event, while the quadrature he forms with Mercury symbolises both the concern for the daughter left at home and some problems that doubtlessly occurred in this regard. Venus, in the second house in Aquarius, confirms well-being and good opportunities. Mercury on the cusp of the fourth house, in Taurus and in trigon to the Ascendant, again reiterates the importance of the son and the increase to the family.
The Moon transiting in the ninth house, in Virgo, makes a quadrature with the Ascendant, representing a time of instability and depression suffered by the woman.
The Sun in the third house, in Aries, on the other hand, shows the period of impetuosity and impulsiveness experienced by the husband, but in the quadrature with Uranus that it goes on to form is mirrored in the difficulty he faces, being obliged to break off social contacts to carry out family duties.
3)Transits of the son’s birth in the woman’s chart.
In the woman’s transit at the birth of the son, Pluto begins his passage in the twelfth house, in Virgo, bringing a phase of creativity and isolation that relegates her to routine, as she carries out her domestic role and brings up her son. She already has one daughter and will have another later.
All this prompts her to try to escape, but only through intrigue and erotic fantasy, boosted by the conjunction of Pluto with radical Neptune. It is precisely at this time that she falls platonically in love with a person with whom she is in daily contact.
Then Neptune in the second house, in Scorpio, leads to changes at the level of the people of the clan as well as a greater availability of money due to the excellent investments by her husband.
Uranus in the eleventh house, moreover, favours a change in friendships, a number of new ones being made and others ended, and, being in Leo, confirms the transformation of one friendship into love, even if platonic.
Saturn, in his transit in the fourth house in Sagittarius, forms all the negative aspects where we can read the difficulties in the relationship with the husband, who, while ever present as an authoritarian figure, is absent as a man and as a husband (Saturn in quadrature with the Sun, who lies in the seventh house, in Pisces).
Jupiter in his passage in the second house, in Libra, makes quadrature with Mars, lying on the cusp of the eleventh house, which signals a possible delusion due to an expectation not realised, as well as the tension of suffering.
Mars, transiting in the fifth house, in Aquarius, governs the birth of the son and the speed of the delivery, also confirmed by the sextile that the planet forms with Uranus, while the conjunction with Venus brings the woman gratification and protection during the event.
Venus, also lying in the fifth house, in Aquarius, instils serenity and satisfaction in her.
Mercury, however, in the eighth house, in Taurus, in quadrature with Mars, certainly leads to worries over her little daughter left at home.
The Moon, in the first house, in Virgo, then puts her at the centre of attention, but the opposition this creates with the Sun and Mercury causes a certain tension with the male figure, and other worries, both about her children or over unfavourable news. The luminary also makes sextile with Mars: she certainly overcame all the difficulties of the birth with pluck and will power.
The Sun, transiting in the seventh house, in Aries, creates a conjunction with Uranus, indicating exactly the day her life was changed by the big event. The quadrature that it forms with Jupiter, on the other hand, indicates suffering caused by labour pains.
The transits of the husband, still referring to the birth of the son.
4)Transits of the birth of the son in the husband’s chart
Pluto, transiting in Virgo and in conjunction with the radical Moon, fully demonstrates the satisfaction of the consort at the birth of a male heir. Being in the eighth house, it gives free reign to all its symbolism and furnishes all the ingredients necessary to give rise to a great passion for another woman, who will be his lover for many years.
Neptune, passing through the tenth house, in Scorpio, creates a trigon with Jupiter that brings joy and satisfaction, including at work, along with great financial advantages.
Uranus in the eighth house, in Leo, creates a certain distance from the clan, due to the continuous moving about for work (indeed, it is now that family relations start to be experienced only at weekends, this having been read previously in the marriage chart).
Saturn, on the cusp of the Ascendant, in Sagittarius, makes sextile with Mercury and confirms the importance of the son, which reflects back on the man’s own image. Mercury, lying in the second house, then consolidates his ability and clear-headedness in the management of business matters and investments. Jupiter, in transit through the tenth house, in Libra, confirms this lucky and satisfying period that he is enjoying, both in terms of self-affirmation and through results at work. The trigon it creates with Pluto also brings good income ‘through the black economy,’ and similar satisfaction in love, which of course he keeps secret. The quadrature with Neptune, however, in addition to causing mental unease due to the fear of being discovered, also causes him to spend a lot of money, which is unusual for him.
The happy surprise of becoming the father of a fine little boy comes from Mars in the second house, in Aquarius in conjunction with Uranus, while the affection without passion he shows at this time to his wife, and the mellowing with regard to the baby, are represented by Venus in the second house, in Aquarius, in trigon with Saturn and in conjunction with Mercury.
The happy news is confirmed by the transit of Mercury in the fourth house, in Taurus in trigon with the Moon, while the sextile with Pluto reflects the subterfuge and the quadrature with Neptune proclaims the anxiety that temporary immobility causes him.
The Moon, in passing through the ninth house, in Virgo, makes quadrature with Pluto, causing him a degree of guilt with regard to his wife, while the sextile with Neptune helps him to overcome it.
Finally, the Sun in the third house, in Aries, forming sextile with Uranus, favours the husband with remarkable social contacts, dynamism and omnipotence (with a new heir and everything else, he feels he has at last arrived).
The Catalyst
Now we pass to the decisive transit of the “cause” that triggered the separation after forty years of marriage
5)Transit of the dirty deed in the marriage chart
Pluto transits in Sagittarius in the eleventh house and forms trigon with radical Jupiter in Aries, third house, transforming part of the property assets into cash, in this way helping both; he in order to carry on his business, she to seize greater opportunities to earn money, probably with the help of friends and social contacts, as the houses in which the aspect is found indicate. The semi-sextile which the planet forms with the Sun indicates the vitality and sexual energy of the husband (notwithstanding his eighty two years).
Neptune in Capricorn, in the first house, on the other hand, denotes the change to the image of the marriage as each thinks only of their own independence and autonomy to the detriment of the marriage (opposition, seventh house).
Uranus, transiting in Aquarius, in the first house, confirms Neptune’s characteristics, heightening the individualism of both partners. The sextile that forms with Jupiter mirrors the giddy round of money, continuous decisions and excellent investments. The trigon that it makes with the birth Moon favours the positive change that she undergoes, since she has long been considering separation, but has been awaiting the right moment. The quadrature with the Sun, on the other hand, shows how the husband reacts, before the estrangement from his wife, and thereafter, to the request for separation.
Saturn in Aries, in the third house, is in opposition to birth Neptune in Libra, in the ninth house, creating fertile ground for the dirty deed, demonstrating that anything may happen within the context of movement or travel, involving, in its symbolism of justice, important people belonging to their social group.
Jupiter, in transit in Aquarius, in the first house, acquires all his symbolism of vivid imagery in a very striking fashion.
In fact, the wife, returning early from a trip, opens the door of the home, goes to the main lounge and for a moment remains paralysed by the vision of her half-naked husband, his accoutrements dangling, cavorting with a rather attractive, completely naked fifty something. The scene cannot certainly be a total surprise for her, but she reacts and bitterly rails against both parties.
The husband resists and pushes her violently against a table, causing bruising, which will later be treated in the casualty department. All this gives rise to a scandal, which also draws in the children (Jupiter in quadrature with Mercury) and the wife seizes the opportunity to obtain the separation, citing the husband’s conduct.
Mars in the eleventh house, in Virgo, favours sudden events.
Venus in Scorpio, in the tenth house, confirms the trickiness of the situation: the sextile with Mars emphasis sexual relations, being consummated, while the trigon with Uranus allows her to take the opportunity presented.
Mercury in Virgo, in the eighth house, forms a conjunction with Mars confirming the verbal violence, involving both parties, while the sextile with Uranus indicates the change that is created within the marriage as well as the involvement of the children.
The Moon in the sixth house, in Gemini, positive to Neptune and Pluto, suggests that intrigue and sexuality are the tools she needs to obtain power.
The transit of the Sun in the ninth house, in Libra, in quadrature with the Ascendant, mirrors the wounding of the image.
6)Transit of the dirty deed in the woman’s chart
Transits of the cause that triggered the separation in the woman’s birth chart.
Pluto in the third house, in Sagittarius, makes journeys and movement likely, appropriate to the sign and the house. The planet forms a trigon with the Moon, making her secure of her own individuality and therefore able to take advantage of the shady intrigue and the opportunity that arises from it. The trigon with Mercury also confirms her mental lucidity and the capacity to turn events in her favour, with the help and complicity of the children. However, it makes a quadrature with Neptune, and if we analyse the planets Pluto, the testicles, and Neptune, the emotions, one can understand the amazement she felt at seeing her husband, no longer young and virile, but old and lifeless, in a crumpled, white vest engaged an sexual act with a stranger, no doubt for payment.
Neptune in the fourth house, in Capricorn, in opposition to Mars, confirms her disgust at the dangling genitals, while the sextile with the Sun indicates the subtle satisfaction at realising the opportunity the dirty deed has brought her. The trigon with the Ascendant confirms the change to her image and therefore her life.
Uranus in the fifth house, in Aquarius, reiterates the mix of opportunism and sexuality.
Saturn in the seventh house, in Aries, favours contract with lawyers over the break-up of the marriage, and the quadrature that it makes with Pluto is defined by us as representing “impotence,” since she still somewhat fears the influence and the tricks of her husband.
Jupiter in the fifth house, in Aquarius, makes a sextile with Uranus, confirming an opportunity seized on the fly that is certain to bring her new income.
Her journey at this time, interrupted early, perhaps on purpose, is indicated by Mars in the third house, in Scorpio, while the trigon that it forms with Jupiter and the Sun is certainly reflected in the crossed words and the aggression but, at the same time, the advantage obtained.
We also see this momentary advantage in the trigon which Venus in the second house, in Scorpio, forms with Jupiter.
Mercury in the twelfth, in Virgo, could indicate the help received from the children, while the Moon, at the Medium Coeli, in Gemini, stands for autonomy and its realisation.
The Sun in the first house, in Virgo, forming opposition to the Moon and Mercury, underlines the break-up of the marriage caused by the encounter, the argument and the involvement of the children. The sextile that it forms with Mars, restates the aggression, but also the strength and energy to obtain what she really desires.
7)Transit of the dirty deed in the man’s birth chart
Transits in the birth chart of the husband who is caught en flagrante
Pluto in Sagittarius, in the eleventh house, forms a quadrature with the Moon and Jupiter: the aspect with the Moon confirms the destructive relationship he is conducting with his wife, underlining what has happened in their household, as the luminaries suggest. Moreover, in his symbolism of money, Pluto also denotes the difficulty he finds in relating to women, which he can only achieve through intrigue and on a paying basis, confirmed by the negative aspect with Jupiter.
Uranus, transiting on the cusp of the second house, determines the change to the man’s image in the wake of the event.
Jupiter in Aquarius, in the second house, in conjunction with Uranus, brings to light the whole affair, with gossip making him appear ridiculous in the eyes of those of the clan.
Mars in Scorpio, in the eleventh house, suggests emotion, in the trigon with Neptune, and pleasure, in the sextile with Venus, linked to the sexual relations enjoyed with the “friend,” but the quadrature with Mercury displays the argument and the legal dispute that blow up with regard to the wife and children.
Venus in Scorpio, in the tenth house, forms a quadrature with Uranus, representing emotional break-up, both with his wife and the people of the clan.
Mercury in Virgo, in the eighth house, shows the daily traffic of phone calls and subterfuge.
The trigon the Moon forms with the Medium Coeli, Mars and Mercury, suggest to us the passion, intrigue and enthusiasm that he finds with the “lover,” while the conjunction with Saturn mirrors the revenge his wife wreaks upon him.
The man’s impotence in the face of these events is represented by the Sun in quadrature with Pluto, while the sextile with Nepture gives rise to the emotions arising from the metamorphosis in his relationship with his wife.
by Carla Pretto, with the collaboration of Teresa Micheletti and Rita Simeoni
translated by Nick Skidmore