Having established and confirmed that Astrology works and works well, it remains to be decided why it works, the rational explanation, the scientific, or the most scientific possible, premise. It is said that Astrology is based on the analogy between macrocosm and microcosm and, it seems to me, it is worth examining this concept further, insofar as that is possible. In my opinion, the aforementioned analogy should be understood as an analogy between one cell and all the cells that descend from it, between one larger cell and all the cells that derive from it, down to the smallest one. In mitosis, or cell division, one (original or mother) cell, formed of two “half” cells (spermatozoon and ovule), gives rise over time to millions of other similar cells, together forming the human, animal organism etc. So, if a cell is similar to all the others and therefore to the whole, and together they form the individual, the individual, due to the transitive property, is analogous to one cell. If we trace the origin of the human being-individual-cell to cosmic levels, we can reach back to the solar system, from which this individual descends. The explosion that gave rise to the solar system can quite properly be seen as analogous with the organic explosion that, by combining a spermatozoon with a ovule, gives rise to the first cell, or mother cell, from which, in turn, the entire human organism will be formed. So the solar system is analogous to a mother or first cell and all the cells that derive from it, including the man-woman cell. The analogy between one cell and a cell of the same species of a higher organism has been confirmed by scientific experiments in genetic biology, from which biology has drawn the hypothesis:any cell of the same, multicellular individual contains, in its nucleus, the entire, unaltered genetic heritage or genetic information.In one experiment, the nucleus of a frog's intestinal cell was removed and then implanted in a frog's egg, from which the nucleus had previously been removed. From this egg, a normal frog developed in the usual way.This demonstrates that even an intestinal cell, although highly differentiated, still contains the entire genetic information necessary for the development of all the structures of the frog and also shows that cellular differentiation does not take place through changes to the genetic composition of the nucleus, in the course of changes to the subsequent cellular generations, when one of the two daughter cells displays different properties to those of the other. (Guyton) Experiments of this kind were also carried out with the nuclei of epithelial cells, those of the blood etc. … and they have always produced the same result:in other words, an egg or ovule that contains, for a human being, 23 chromosomes (half the genetic heritage) can be impregnated not only by a spermatozoon, which contains the other 23 chromosomes, in order to form the first whole cell complete with 46 chromosomes, but from any nucleus of any cell of the same organism, which already contains 46 chromosomes. In the first case, an individual will be born who is similar to both parents, in the second case, an individual will be born who is equal to the mother or the father. In theory and, so far, not in practice, perhaps, if the nucleus of one of a woman's ovules is replaced by transplanting the nucleus of any one of her cells, let’s say a white blood cell, she could give birth to a girl completely identical to herself; if the nucleus came from the perfectly preserved white blood cell of Hitler, a boy would be born entirely identical to Hitler (see the film "The Boys from Brazil").
Since the genetic heritage or genetic information is contained in the DNA of a cell’s nucleus, our initial idea can be formulated in the following terms:the DNA of the daughter cells, or the DNA of a cell, is analogous to the DNA of all the cells from which it descends.
At this point, it seems legitimate to me to pass from analogy to equality in these terms:the genetic heritage or genetic information of a cell is equal to that of all the other cells of the same species of organism, the genetic heritage of the mother cell or original cell is equal to that of the daughter cells.
Statements such as those that follow, taken from “Lehninger-1975-biochemicals”, permit further valid backing for the analogy between cells:
in the DNA, the genetic information can be transferred exactly from the parent cells to the daughter cells.
the quantity of DNA per diploid cell, in any given species of a higher organism, is approximately constant between one type of cell and another.
DNA samples isolated from different tissues of the same species have the same underlying composition.
the underlying composition of the DNA varies from one species to another but there is a great deal of evidence that the fundamental processes of replication, transcription and genetic translation are substantially identical in prokaryotic (a single chromosome) and eukaryotic (several chromosomes) organisms.
the underlying composition of the DNA, in a given species, does not change with age, nutritional condition or changes in the environment.
Resuming the discussion, if the solar system is analogous to a cell (original and mother), its genetic heritage or genetic information is equal to that of the daughter cells, including the man-woman cell. This is the reason, in my opinion, that astrology works.
The Zodiac is the symbolic expression of DNA in the solar system and, at the same time, of the human being, which are analogous and contain the same genetic heritage or genetic information, for which reason, the study of one can be traced back to the other.
The planetary sequence is the symbolic expression of the nitrogenous bases of the DNA chain (Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, Thymine) L. Morpurgo, “Il Convitato di Pietra”.
with the base sequences GGC AGA CTT
(from left to right) in which D is the deoxyribose and P is the phosphoric acid forming the chain, biology tells us that the elementary units of the genetic code are given by triplets of consecutive bases called codons.
Here we have three codons, which are:
which can be regarded as three words of the genetic code, each one of which represents an amino acid; a consecutive series of these words or triplets or codons, that is, a complete phrase, represents the gene and specifies a consecutive series or chain of amino acids, that is, a protein, which will enable a certain type of cellular function, together with other proteins synthesised by other genes.(Guyton).
If we now take a piece of Zodiacal chain:
do not the domiciled and exalted planets of every sign form consecutive triplets, just like codons???
by And..
translated by Nick Skidmore